Newest Film by Andrew Rutajit

Click this link to watch the newest film by Andrew Rutajit. It is on YouTube and totally free to view. Enjoy!


Timestamps for chapters are below. Event coordinators wishing to book Andrew for a speaking engagement, please do so via Facebook: @ARutajit

This video explores the role of psychedelic mushroom use and sun/star worship at the foundation of modern-day religion as well as our modern-day religious holidays. Written, narrated, and edited by Andrew Rutajit. Read more of this post

Joe Rogan Experience #610 – Brian Cox

Professor Brian Cox is an English physicist and Professor of Particle Physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester in the UK. His BBC science comedy show/podcast “Infinite Monkey Cage” with comedian Robin Ince will be touring the US during the spring of 2015.

Joe Rogan Experience – Randall Carlson

Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar.


Episode #501


Episode #606



Russell Brand – Addicted to Consciousness


Top 3 Russell Brand Interviews of 2013, Russell exposes the shocking truth of our reality..
Fascinating, Revealing and Engaging YOUR MIND to a Whole New level of Consciousness..
This is why Russell Brand is OUTSIDE THE BOX and this is why YOU SHOULD BE!

Looks like Richard Dawkins finally took acid

Starts at 4:55